Sunday, March 21, 2010

A day of history - Healthcare!

Today has seen a few major events unfold, the biggest and most significant of which is the passing of health care reform legislation. Needing 216 votes to pass, the bill got 219 votes, without a single vote from a Republican.

It is clearly a partisan vote, and Republicans are threatening to repeal the bill if they get into office. It is about every person who has opened their [healthcare] bill and is shocked at how much prices shot up, said President Obama, when he addressed the nation late Sunday night.

He noted this day does not end the work we need to do for our country, but he did say "This day represents another stone firmly laid in the foundation of the American dream. We have answered the call of history."

Just about every major Western country in the world has universal healthcare. This bill does not take us to that level, but it is a step in the right direction. We can only build from here.

Also today, Christiane Amanpour has officially announced she will be leaving CNN for ABC's This Week. She is an amazing journalist and I look forward to seeing how she does on a non-cable network.